How To Remove Yellow Stains From Inside Microwave
How to remove stains in the microwave
To deal with stains in the microwave, GE recommends placing a glass basin with a cup of water and a tablespoon of lemon juice in the microwave and heating it until information technology is steaming. (Toni L. Sandys/The Washington Post)
Q: I have a GE microwave oven. The white interior has yellowed in several areas. I have tried numerous products, scouring pads (Brillo & SOS), Comet and fifty-fifty bleach, with no success. Can you suggest something that might remove this discoloration?
A: Julie Wood, who manages public relations for GE Appliances, consulted with a home economist on the company'south cooking team and wrote dorsum.
Severely burned nutrient, such as popcorn, can crusade a yellow stain, Wood said. GE recommends placing a glass bowl with a cup of water and a tablespoon of lemon juice in the microwave and heating it until it is steaming. This should help loosen whatsoever is on the oven'due south interior. Then scrub the interior with a damp cloth and baking soda. Wipe off the residual, and so wipe again with a clean damp cloth to make sure you've removed all of it.
"We do not recommend any additional cleaners beyond what is in our employ and care manual and what nosotros've listed in a higher place," Wood said.
Without knowing the model number of your oven, it's not possible to find the precise use and care manual that applies. However, i posted online that applies to numerous GE models says that you should unplug the oven earlier scrubbing the interior, and it lists only baking soda every bit suitable for the main interior. For the door and the surface of the oven that come up together when the door closes, it recommends "just mild, nonabrasive soaps or detergents."
A couple of years ago, I painted my concrete patio with Sherwin-Williams concrete paint. The label said "Porch and Floor Enamel-Waterborne Formula for Physical and Woods Floors." I followed all of the instructions, including etching. The paint has started peeling and blistering. Another problem is that I had grit added to the paint to help reduce the risk of slipping on information technology. The grit distributed itself unevenly with some thicker spots and nearly no grit in others. I am willing to endeavor once more only do non want to attempt to strip off all of the old paint. Any ideas?
Hawkeye, Idaho
Rick Watson, Sherwin-Williams's director of product information and technical services, sent a long e-mail responding to your query. He said the product y'all used is suitable for outdoor patios, simply not for concrete that vehicles drive on. There could be several reasons why this pigment peeled and blistered, he said.
Etching doesn't ever work to set concrete for paint, he said. The fashion to check is to sprinkle h2o on the surface later on it has been etched, rinsed and stale. If the h2o beads up, the surface is coated with something — perhaps a form-release amanuensis or a sealer applied when the concrete was new. That would need to be footing or sanded off before the surface would be fix for paint.
Or the peeling could be caused by moisture from beneath or above, especially if a gutter empties water nearby or if the physical isn't sloped properly so that puddles collect from rainstorms. Instructions for checking for moisture underneath are on the paint label; the test consists of taping down a piece of plastic and checking to see whether water beads upwards on the surface against the concrete.
"Has water ice melt or common salt been used to de-ice in the winter?" he wrote. "Does grilling have place here? These are all things to consider. Oil and grease tin can soften the coating, causing it to peel and blister." Heavy use, such as scraping piece of furniture across the patio, could also cause the paint to neglect.
What to do now?
If the peeling and blistering are severe, you might take that as a hint that paint probably isn't the best coating for your patio. A penetrating stain is likely to be more than trouble-gratis, although to apply that and become a uniform look, you would need to completely remove the existing paint.
If the problems aren't that severe and you just want to repaint and take it await adept for nearly every bit long as the terminal paint task lasted, you lot simply need to remove the loose pigment. However, Watson said, it's very important to set up the surface with the correct sequence of steps. Commencement, clean the patio, using a skilful degreaser and a power washer. Rinse thoroughly, and allow the surface dry. And then scrape off loose paint and sand the well-adhered paint so information technology looks tedious. "If y'all sand/scrape first," Watson said, "y'all will grind dirt and grime into the existing finish." Vacuum up the droppings and you should be good to go. Y'all tin can recoat with the same paint production. It doesn't need a primer.
As for the dust, the prep steps and the new paint should assistance cover over the worst areas, and you tin can even out the stop by applying fresh grit along with the new paint. If you decide to sprinkle the grit onto the fresh paint, put it in a saltshaker-type container (homemade with nails through a metal chapeau is fine). That makes broadcasting more than compatible than when you sprinkle it by manus. For this arroyo, Watson recommends adding a layer of additive-free paint on peak, one time the starting time layer is dry.
Or you tin use a product such equally H&C SharkGrip Slip Resistant Additive, which is designed to be mixed into pigment. "Stir into the coating slowly, adding a little at a time, until it is mixed in," Watson said.
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